What is buti glo yoga? “Buti” is a Marathi Indian term meaning the cure for something that’s been hidden or kept secret. Buti yoga is a blend of tribal dance, primal movements, plyometrics, and vinyasa style yoga. The glo is included for versions of the class include painting the body or wearing glow in the dark gear.
Buti will sculpt your abs due to the “spiral structure technique” . This is a strengthening approach activating all part of the abdominal muscle groups: inner and outer, top to bottom, front to back , and side to side. Common yoga poses are held for about at least 8 breaths while dancing or pulsing.
We arrived and filled our small paint palettes with neon pink, green , yellow , blue and orange paint. In long thin strokes, we painted shapes and designs over our bodies. Our instructor Lauren told us that if we put the paint on too thick it would not dry by the time class started and our mats would be a mess. Soon the overhead lights turned off and the backlight was turned on. I snapped my glow bracelet and necklace till they glowed then put them on.
We placed our legs out the side of the mat and became dancing. We leaned over and started pulsing. We were- twerking?? In the dark room covered and in paint, I was no longer me. I was someone who didn’t worry what I looked like; someone who moved with grace and fire . I looked around. These other women were doing the same. I wish I could trap all the good energy in this room and take it with me when I left. Or maybe I could.
Our arms swayed side to side as we quickly dropped our heads and popped them back up. Then we stepped back into downward dog . Right leg went up and pulsed. Then left. Then big circles with each leg. Then booty time- we shook and shook and shook! After child’s pose and upward facing dog, we rolled up slowly to standing then squatted down. We circled our stomachs in every direction, with our hands folded in front of our chest . We moved for almost an hour as the music pulsed. I could barely see myself in the dark but in the mirror but I could see where I had painted myself glowing back at me. I was experiencing stepping outside of my usual self into this free –moving woman's body. My heart was open. It was pure joy.
We ended with a good stretch and a peaceful savasana . If you feel like you could benefit from letting lose I would recommend a Buti class. You might just discover a part of you that you never knew was there. Open your heart and mind. Find your glo.