Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What my grandmother taught me

My grandmother didn't teach me to cook or sew. She taught me a much more important lesson: how to find peace. Life will never get easier , you just get better at dealing with the difficulties. Being at peace is having an understanding that life doesn't happen in an orderly fashion. Being at peace is accepting that you gave something your best and  that is all you can do. Being at peace is accepting defeat and choosing to look at it as a lesson. Being at peace is letting go of things out of your control. Being at peace is realizing your many blessings and never taking them for granted.

My grandmother's words to me when I have encountered difficulties have always been , " be at peace." I never truly understood this until she explained that she is not afraid of the day she dies ; she has lived a full life with no regrets. She is at peace now and will be at peace then.

Peace does not come from things being perfect. It is an inner calm in your heart that can not be shaken regardless of your circumstances.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The In-Between

I am standing in the in-between. One foot in the past and one in the future. The present is not mine.

As I stand on the cusp of another life change ,I am not sure exactly where I am headed. The thought both terrifies and excites me. This was not the way I planned for my life to go but I tell myself something better is waiting for me. If I stop too long to look at the closed door ,I will miss another one opening, maybe leading  to a more exciting place.

Instead of feeling defeated, I am choosing to believe that this is the opportunity of a lifetime. A clean slate on which to rise from the ashes and rebuild a better version of  myself.

As I step off the ledge one of two things will happen : I will find there is something there to step onto or I will learn how to fly.